
Have you ever wondered:​

  • Why am I here?

  • What is my purpose?

  • Why am I not happy?

  • Who am I?

  • Why do I feel lonely and alone?

  • Why is the world so evil?

  • Why do bad people get ahead?

  • Why do good people have troubles?

​If so…, you are NOT alone!

Please join us in exploring the Bible.

God is Good.  He is Faithful and True. 

If you ask Him, and believe with your whole heart, He will plainly answer all of these questions and much much more!


 Daily Bible Verses

Daily Bible verses and practical insight on what God's Word means in your life today


  Life Coach

Personalized one-on-one Christian life coach from a Biblical perspective


  Prophecy Updates

Weekly prophecy updates and Christian community forum to discuss events predicted by the Bible, which are unfolding today


Worship Music

Worship music from local New Jersey musicians



Your testimonies of God’s salvation, blessings, and faithfulness


Get Saved!

The end is near. Jesus is coming soon. Get saved today!



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... Let us always be looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. ..."

Titus 2:13